Welcome! We're Glad You're Here!
You are Going to Love Success-GPS
We Guarantee it!
Here’s What You Can Expect…
- In just a few weeks, you will be ready to offer the Success-GPS assessment to an unlimited number of potential clients, an irresistible gift that can forever change their lives.
- You will have the ability and the language to conduct 15 to 20 minute consultations that will make deep connections and have contacts selling themselves on becoming your clients.
- You will be able to GIVE to your heart’s content, and RECEIVE plenty in return with this highly effective, turn-key system!
- You will have a done-for-you premium package that you will be proud to offer, which can triple or quadruple your income.
- You will learn a group coaching method that allows you to earn $1,000 an hour or more while freeing up your valuable time.
***And you don't even have to travel to get it!***
Your Lessons are all Online and Over the Phone
Plus you get our iron-clad satisfaction guarantee
and a killer discount which only 300 coaches
in the whole world will get.

Our Clients Say It Best
I use the Success-GPS model in ALL of my coaching… everything I do is focused on this model! It just makes so much more sense and I believe my clients appreciate that there is a scientific model that takes the guesswork out of understanding what is keeping them stuck or unfulfilled.
Cassie Schuh
Success-GPS (along with CORE MAP and RAMP) are the foundation of my unique selling proposition… it is what makes me different from other coaches out there and gives me an edge most don’t have.
I gift the Success-GPS assessment because I believe everyone has the right to know what is keeping them stuck, regardless if they choose to hire a coach or not. It’s a freebie that I feel good about sharing, and it gives me the opportunity to meet people and build trust.
Based on the results from the Success-GPS assessment and a brief consultation, I am able to formulate a customized coaching package that is specific to that individual’s needs. Even my coaching worksheets are based on the GPS model. It’s an amazing tool for building a coaching business .
Zaptastic Professional Coaching LLC, Appleton, WI
We enjoyed a very good year both developing our company and seeing our clients grow, and the years ahead look even better thanks to powerful tools like Success-GPS, CORE-MAP and RAMP. Without them we would not be equipped with all we need to have the results that we are enjoying!
Brent Hultman
Success-GPS provides us with a clear picture of areas where clients are missing the mark and, combined with the two other powerful tools you provide (CORE MAP and RAMP), we are able to get our clients where they want to go exceptionally fast, which keeps our clients very happy and gives us a big edge over our competition.
Strong People Systems, Denver, CO
If you are one of the first 30 to register,
you will get the life-transforming, game-changing
Essential Transitions package (a $1500 value) as a bonus.
You Get:
For a Limited Time
This Package is
Just $2997